Fundamental Interactions market center technology API has been deployed for subscribers to gain fast and easy integration. subscribers can utilize the API for user creation, order and market data access for integration over the web.

Subscribers applications, which can be desktop, web portal or black box based, will communicate with the market center servers using different types of messages. These messages are made available through the WebSocket API layer. The API messages are backward and forward compatible. New messages and new fields can be added to the API but existing messages and fields will never change so users of previous API versions will not be affected when new versions are released. If a subscribers wants to access to new messages or fields, they can simply them to their message structure. Most of messages and related fields are self-explanatory.

Any Questions about the WebSocket api can be directed to Fundamental Interactions support email: support@fundamentalinteractions.com



The information in this Fundamental Interactions WebSocket document describes the adaptation of the standard for vendors and subscribers to communicate with the Fundamental Interactions quotation and execution platform.

The order entry API is a layer on top of the market data API. Clients of the order entry web socket session can subscribe for market data, and vice versa. A key benefit of using the web socket API is that the market center backend will automatically push existing account activities and any corresponding updates to the user upon login (order/trade/position). The update messages associated with these are listed in this document.


The WebSocket order API is in JSON message format. The JSON string is communicated via secure web socket (“wss://”), so messages coming in and out are encrypted and protected by the underlying secure socket layer. Additional FI security measures exist, such as the login process, where the client is required to provide a password for verification. The client will need to encrypt the password string using the methods below described below. Other from this process, every else is straightforward.


In order to gain access to application tools and user access, please Contact: Support@fundamentalinteractions.com


In order to access the portal click on the following link: Contact Support


The desktop console provides access to the trading engines and will allow a developer to verify results and adjust user settings and etc. The console can be retrieved from our FTP site.

FTP Login Credentials:

  • FTP Server/Host: ftp.finteractions.com

  • FTP Username: clientdownload@finteractions.com

  • Password: *********

  • Port: 21


In order to run the desktop console, a client will need to download and run a Cisco VPN access. Follow the VPN instructions or login by clicking on the this link.

Last updated

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